Rayhan Biju

Computer Science Student at Virginia Tech

I am a junior in the computer science program. On campus, you can find me conducting office hours for my TA position or enjoying Virginia Tech's dining halls. This is my personal website where you can see my skills, technical experience, view my resume, find out more about me, or get in touch with me. Currently, I am a software engineer intern at Capital One!

A Few of my Skills

My skills vary from technical to soft skills and I frequently enhance them.

  • Java
  • Python
  • Spring Boot
  • Flask
  • Git
  • Firebase
  • API Development
  • React
  • Go
  • Data Structures and Algorithms

Learn more about my skills here

Technical Experience

From teaching to undergraduate research to being a software development intern, I have experienced and continue to experience different avenues of Computer Science, but I have a strong focus on software engineering.

Capital One

Software Engineer Intern

At Capital One, I used Go, PostgreSQL, and Docker to develop a REST API to handle faster load times to an internal news engine. Moreover, I worked with 3 other interns to rewrite a legacy API gateway microservice for a large SSO system using Spring Boot, Spring Security, OAuth 2.0, and Java, increasing the application’s performance by 60% and impacting 400+ internal applications.

Virginia Tech

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

I mentor and assist students with coursework in software design, data structures, and sorting algorithms for class of 500+ students entirely in Java. Additionally, I promote problem-solving and critical thinking skills, code efficiency, and object-oriented design to students.

Virginia Tech

Undergraduate Student Researcher

I used SQLAlchemy, Flask, and Python to develop complex API endpoints, including data from multiple interlinked tables and foreign keys. I thoroughly tested these APIs using Pytest to achieve 100% code coverage. Currently, I am creating a portal for a crowdsourcing campaign for users to make potential updates to our data to be seen through our web app and public APIs that we own using Figma, React, and Python.

Code Ninjas

Lead Coding Instructor

I helped teach JavaScript, Python, and Scratch to 15 - 20 students, ranging from 7 - 14 year olds, across 90+ hours worth of sessions, and leveraged my Python skills to conduct a week long Python summer camp to 11 - 14 year old students.


Software Development Intern

Using Python, I helped increase the number of online department stores web scraped by 380%. I developed frontend and backend infrastructure to accommodate 30,000 summarized reviews. I worked on multiple backend systems to design and implement an email monitoring service for the website scrapers.

Outside of Computer Science

I love everything about airports, airplanes, and flight simulators. I have been playing Infinite Flight recently, but I am an all-time fan of X-Plane mobile edition. My favorite plane is the Boeing 777-300er.

My passion for tennis started when I was 6 years old and my dad introduced me to the sport. Since then, I have played competetively and recreationally for that past 13 years and counting. In middle school, I was ranked number one on my team and in high school, I was ranked number 2 on my varsity team. I am a left handed, aggressive baseliner who loves topspin and all things Babolat.

Nature is very important to me, and I take great pride in helping to take care of the environment. With this, I have been very fortunate to travel and experience nature on six continents as well as immerse myself in new cultures. In this picture, I am on a sand dune in Namibia where there is nothing, but sand for miles!